Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So I was watching CNN today. This rarely happens as I cannot stand to pay attention to real time news for more than 5 minutes unless it is peppered with humor. News anchors aren't typically know for their sense of humor, except for Ron Burgundy, and unfortunately he is fictional. As I was watching I realized nearly every commercial was for some form of prescription drug, with most of them curing depression. I found some curious similarities in these commercials:

-Nearly all of them take place near water. I've heard drowning is a pleasant way to die. How exactly do we know that is a comfortable way to die? I assume it would be fairly difficult to communicate this piece of knowledge posthumously.

-Many of them are in black in white. Go watch Casablanca or pretty much any movie made prior to color. They make me want to kill myself.

-Several are of people walking along cliffs/ ominous hills in a setting much like the Pacific Northwest. Which part of the country has the highest amount of rainfall? The Pacific Northwest. What makes people sad? Rain. Where is the best place to film a clinically depressed person? Along a cliff. Now that is some real encouragement. Jump! You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Now if you want a real subject who screams postpartum depression check out this Native American sculpture that I found in our rental house.

At first it scared the crap out of me. Then it really scared the crap out of me. She is clearly not enjoying the one on one time she is spending with 5 creepy Indian children. I'm pretty sure she is praying for some sort of escape from her plight, hence the obvious plea to heaven. And I can't tell exactly what her plight is- the unfortunate hairstyle, large number of children, or what are certainly to be clumsy rectangular feet. If pfizer really needs an example of a depressed subject, look no further.

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