Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It's almost Christmas time. Which means in the marketing world its time to overlook the accomplishments of the Pilgrims in order to sell more crap to people who more than likely can't afford it and or don't need it.

Today they lit the tree in Snider Plaza. They shipped in ice for a children's toboggan station and lit the tree in conjunction with a fireworks display. I'm pretty sure someone (strategically placed cough-University Park) got a sweet stimulus package this year.

As much as I love the holidays- they can really be weird. My family is weird. I feel like all the black sheep of the universe migrated to my family. The more I think about it, who doesn't have a weird family? Could you imagine if everybody were honest with each other? It would probably get a little weird.
No. I do not like your plastic surgery. 
Wait. Which husband are you talking about. The 6th or the 7th?

We'll leave it at that, I'm not going to take this too far. But the band "Bears" did. And yea though I am typically a proponent of positivity, I kind of like it.

"To all the people we hate, have a terrible year." That's gumption right there.

** NOTE: during Thanksgiving it was really awkward so my mom decided to show off my blog on the iPad. Yes. My entire family read this post. Karma's a bitch**

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