Tuesday, November 30, 2010


You know that video called "Scarlet Takes a Tumble"? That video has been my life these past months. Well the only difference is that I wasn't acapella kareoke-ing on top of an insecure table. I've fallen down the stairs three times since October. To be fair to me, the first two were basically on the same downhill run. (I fell down half the stairs, collected my thoughts-not long enough, and then fell down the rest of them).

At first I thought it was all on me. I thought I was getting clumsy and just needed to watch my step. But the third time, in which the stairs were extremely wooden, I was getting fed up with Newton and his gravity. I pulled my fake detective pipe out of the drawer and got to ciphering what could be causing me to fall down the stairs. Aha. Socks. My socks were slippery.

I felt better knowing what the culprit of my near death accidents were, but it also prompted me to think who the hell would make slippery socks. Its the same person who put the slippery bananas all over the track in the original MarioKart. (Yep, thats vintage 1998). Its the same person who makes over dyed blue jeans that stain your hands and legs a deathly blue. Its the same person who created the breaking system for the Toyota Prius. The simple fact is that one person created all of these nuisances, and in some cases life threatening conditions. That person is "the man" and to be politically correct, it could also be "the woman." As humans, we must fight back. I fight through laughter. I fight by washing my jeans multiple times. I fight by not driving in front of a Toyota Prius.

We can all fight the wo/man. Through positivity. And by throwing out slippery socks.
And in some cases not singing on top of tables that might need more than four legs to stay upright.

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