Thursday, November 11, 2010


It is 12:04 am right now, meaning I have survived 11/10/10, and am currently surviving 11/11/10. Here is a list of things that happened to me today:
Woke up late- 5:55 AM. Late for my run.
Shower: Mostly successful, however ran out of body wash, assumed shampoo would be adequate.
Breakfast: Burned toast, added extra jelly to make up for carcinogen. Incinerated tongue on too dark of coffee.
Second Breakfast: not sure what I ate from umph. It was sticky.
Mid morning: look at awesome running watch. Why is my arm all red. Oh, I’m having an allergic reaction to the metal on my watch. I’m a little annoyed, as I’ve become accustomed to telling the time using that watch.
Enrollment, 11AM: “error, please try again later”-
Enrollment cont.: 11:30 AM, I’m taking 6 hours next semester, can’t get into any classes I need. Should be easy.
Email, high noon: we accepted 12, you’re 13.
Email, cont.: “please let me in your class, (followed by clever joke made about the name of the class)”- Christy Parrott
Class- bored to death. Professor said my pants looked like the kind communists would wear. Thank you? Note: kissed my 4.0 away between 2-4:30.
5 PM: Marketing research credits. Listen to 5 poorly made advertisements. Rate their generosity levels. (The last thing an ad has is generosity).
5:45- home. Make dinner. Broccoli, red bell pepper noodles. Set the noodles on fire, ate a head of broccoli. That was excessive.
8: 128. Good clean fun.
9:40 sharp- pick up friend, go to purchase coffee.
10:13 sharp- “Disregard Traffic Control Device” Flashing lights. Ticket. Suppression of my authority issues. Goodbye perfect record.
10:25- Made it to crooked tree. Incinerate tongue for the second time today.
Now: going to sleep with one eye open.

I’m pretty sure I was a Bernie Madoff figure in a previous life to get all this karma.
I've known for years that I have bad luck. But that also means I always have the best story to tell.

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