Tuesday, November 30, 2010


One translation of our political system reveals that it was built upon a realization that humans act upon self-interest. With that understanding, Madison and the other founders built the government to protect others against individual’s passions.

While government has worked decently in the past 200 years or so, I’m not sure if it can stand against these passions.

Phil Davidson: Stark County Treasurer. Never has a man been so “fired up” over simple math and balancing the budget of Stark County Ohio. Did he “fire something up” before making this speech? Most likely. (See what I did there?)

1.) He has a masters degree in communication (clearly) and he is not afraid to yell it at a group of citizens who miraculously showed up for a debate among candidates for the COUNTY. Less than 10% of Americans pay attention to county level politics, and I'm pretty sure Stark County now has 0%. (Or maybe Mr. Davidson is the new entertainment- 87% turn out next year?)

2.) I'm not exactly sure what he is angry about. Is there a lot of corruption in the middle of Ohio?

3.) I keep expecting him to yell "This is Sparta! STARK COUNTY!"

Jimmy McMillan: candidate for New York Governor. Potentially one of my favorite politicians of all time.

History Making Quote: "As a karate expert I will not talk about anyone up here because our children cannot live anywhere. Nowhere. There's no where to go. Why? You said it. The rent is too damn high."

Is there anything better than a handle bar mustache, leather gloves, and nonsensical sentences? I didn't think so.

Although they have provided a large majority of my entertainment the past week, I only hope that our system has the checks and balances to prevent whatever may stem from these passionate individuals.

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