Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm a political science major and I've been trying really hard to keep my inner geek reigned in so I don't write about something that bores you into a mind numbing oblivion. But its true. I am nerdy cool. I've been reading a lot of political theory of late, and everybody is rather extreme. I however find that extremities, aren't healthy for politics, (and largely should only be attached to the body).

Aristotle once said "Virtue is found in the middle." I agree. Based on the early writings and system of American government, we are a nation of compromise. Somehow, today each party has decided, we are right, everybody else is wrong. I will not even listen to, let alone consider what you think because you are either a donkey/elephant.  Compromise has vanished from the political sphere. And I guess that makes for better c-span.

Nobody is interminably correct. And not listening to others is not going to solve any of the current situations our nation finds itself in. We must find virtue through compromise.

Moderation is healthy. An individual cannot go to extremes and continue to be healthy. Moderation in eating and exercise is necessary, and it desperately needs to be applied to political thought. (And if you think about it, the moderate stance is in the middle of red and blue. Our color would be purple. Purple typically represents royalty. Moderates have a head start, historically we would be royalty. Just sayin') Ready, set, listen to other people and compromise. (This may not be the best use of the phrase, but I think its catchy.)
Smart dude with good style. I hear the Grecian trend is really blowing up next spring.

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