Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have developed a little iced coffee fetish. This is a problem because 1.) It is pre-sweetened, meaning it is undoubtedly filled with aspartame and sucralose- and will eventually deteriorate my body. 2.) This mixed with caffeine... probably not a great health choice. 3.) Its 7-11 coffee. Which brings me to the size of cups they sell.

Its idiotic. They sell a medium and a large. Really? Not a small and a large, but a medium and a large. But take their other liquid sizing into consideration- they sell the gulp, big gulp, super big gulp, and double gulp. For who exactly is 16 oz a gulp? That is ridiculous. At least these names are descriptive.

With Starbucks though, the sizing makes no sense whatsoever. Are you kidding me? Tall, grande and venti. Well I guess I'll take a venti because that sounds like a rational amount of liquid, right?

You know what, I think I'll stick with the medium and large.

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