Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We don't realize it, but our entire world is completely made up of lines. As any good art student would know, lines make up the pictures we see, the rooms in which we live, and everything that surrounds us. In fact they keep us from inappropriate traffic behavior, help us write efficiently on a page, and make up a significant amount of American frustration- lines at the DMV. While they do a lot, lines also make up some pretty useful "learning tools," if you will. Don't believe me? I copied down several that one of my professors uses. Get ready for your mind to be blown.

Explanation: "Relationship commitments break barriers of space and time.”

I thought: French bread with ants on it.

 Explanation: "The river ends."

I thought: math notation I am definitely not familiar with.

Explanation: "Community leads to greater fulfillment of self"

I thought: messed up symbol for male. Austin Powers would have a heart attack.

Explanation: "Let the inner light shine through."

I thought: if your fruit looks like this, either a 3 year old drew on it with sharpie, or you should definitely throw it out.

 Explanation: “Original intent v. organic and modern translation.”

I thought: out of control pound signs.

Explanation: "This is a treaty."

I thought: how in this world, or in any other does that represent a treaty?

Explanation: I think it says understandings. Too bad I don’t understand that handwriting.

I thought: I cannot believe this class is 3 hours long. I feel like I’m in prison with an older gentleman that stares at me making a fake laughing/ wheezing sound until I laugh at a joke he just made.

Who knew a simple line drawing could mean so much?


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