Sunday, October 3, 2010


I spent part of my summer in Colorado, where they just legalized medical marijuana. So basically if you get a hangnail, you should smoke some pot. The question remains, should we legalize the drug?

I have an answer: the pizzacone.

This is clearly the result of what had to be a night laced with narcotics. Next time these guys get high they can invent the pizza klondike. I mean with the garlic dipping sauce and toppings the possibilities are endless. Can you imagine a pizza drumstick? This is stupid. Here's how I see it:

1.) Tide is going to sell a ton of detergent now. I can't eat a regular piece of pizza without ruining my shirt, now put it in a dripping cone.

2.) Just like a a drum stick there is probably some exciting surprise at the bottom of this cone. Just like ice cream cones with a chocolate tip,  I was expecting some sort of sausage or cheese. What is actually at the bottom? Adult onset diabetes. Anticlimactic isn't it?

3.) How do you eat this? Just go for the pile of cheese, or the crust? I feel like it would collapse in my hand. Oh its great for traveling, get it to go. I can't imagine eating this while I'm driving. Hot oil all over my hands with a floppy cheese ball going everywhere- definitely conducive to safe driving. Its kind of like driving while eating a chipotle burrito- which is the same size as a newborn baby.

4.) How do you cook this?

While I admire the creativity and imagination that went into producing what is essentially a double dip of cholesterol, I would respect it more if it came naturally, not from narcotics.

Legalize it: probably a bad idea. Retract the probably- its a bad idea.

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